
How to open can caps easily?

Favorable reply

As a quiet beauty (food), I often want to eat some cans, but I can't open cans with my hands! With a screwdriver or something, it's troublesome and laborious, and it's easy to hurt your fingers. Don't be afraid, students, as long as you have a pure heart to eat, nothing can't be done. Today, I will teach you a unique skill to open cans with your bare hands!

Operation method

Prepare a bottle of can that can't be unscrewed, a smooth shallow container (a basin or bowl can hold a container the size of a can cap), and some hot water of about 70 degrees

Pour the hot water into the small basin you prepared. Don't pour too much. It can soak the bottle cap

Stand the bottle upside down in the basin and allow the hot water to fully soak the bottle cap for 2-3 minutes

It's time to witness the miracle. After taking out the bottle, wipe the cap. Just gently twist the cap. The bottle that could not be opened before will be opened easily

After learning this trick, not only can bottles, drink bottles, but also Sara bottles. All glass bottles with this sealed packaging can be easily opened

Complete 2024-05-22 06:09:59
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