
Does bagged ice powder harm people

Life is as light as tea
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Bagged ice powder is a kind of food additive, mainly composed of phosphate, carbonate, citric acid, tartaric acid and other substances. In food processing, bagged ice powder is used as sour flavoring agent and coagulant. Generally speaking, bagged ice powder has no direct harm to human body.

However, the ingredients of bagged ice powder contain phosphate. If taken excessively for a long time, it will increase the phosphate intake of the human body, resulting in excessive phosphate, osteoporosis, kidney stones and other health problems. Therefore, when eating bagged ice powder, we should pay attention to appropriate consumption, not excessive consumption.

In addition, bagged ice powder may also be contaminated during processing. If the quality is poor or the storage is improper, bacteria, mold and other microorganisms may be contaminated, leading to food safety problems. Therefore, when purchasing bagged ice powder, we should choose the products of regular manufacturers, and store and use them in strict accordance with the requirements of the product manual.

To sum up, bagged ice powder has no direct harm to human body, but it should be taken in moderation, avoid excessive intake of phosphate, and pay attention to food safety.

Life is as light as tea 2024-04-16 22:24:31
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