
How to query the SMS center number of mobile phone number?

Favorable reply

Everyone basically sends short messages, which are the medium for us to communicate with others. But different mobile phone query methods are basically the same. How to query the SMS center number of mobile phone number?

Operation method

Take out your mobile phone, find the "SMS" function and turn it on.

There are "3 vertical points" on the top of the phone near the right side. Open it with your fingers.

After clicking this page, the system will prompt "information list sorting", "favorites" and "information settings". The information setting is exactly what we need to find to open it.

After the message settings are opened, the system will automatically jump to another interface, which includes "Smart SMS Settings", "SMS Settings", "MMS Settings" and other functions. The middle SMS settings also include "Send Report", "Set Preset Phrase Template", "SMS Center Number"

After finding the SMS center number, many people's mobile phones have dual cards. If it is the center number of card 1, open card 1 with your finger; If you want to query the center number of card 2, open card 2.

Another way is to call the local mobile phone number operator to find the center number of the SMS.

original 2024-05-25 23:22:21
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