
How to remove the taste of wine from salted duck eggs

Sea Blue has no soul
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The wine taste in salted duck eggs is caused by the addition of alcohol or soy sauce and other seasonings during the curing process. Here are some ways to remove the taste of wine from salted duck eggs:

1. Soak in water: soak salted duck eggs in clean water for 30 minutes to 1 hour, and then boil them.

2. Boiling method: put the salted duck eggs into the pot, add enough water, boil them for 10-15 minutes, and then take them out to cool.

3. Roasting method: put salted duck eggs into the oven, bake them at 180 ℃ for about 15 minutes, and then take them out to cool.

4. Soup cooking method: put salted duck eggs into the soup and boil them until they are cooked, which can remove part of the wine flavor.

5. Steaming method: put salted duck eggs into a steamer and steam them for 15-20 minutes, then take them out and cool them.

It should be noted that the above methods can only remove part of the alcohol taste. If the alcohol taste is heavy, it is recommended to replace the salted duck eggs with new ones. At the same time, the preservation of salted duck eggs is also very important. It is recommended to store them in a cool and dry place to avoid direct sunlight and humid environment.

Sea Blue has no soul 2024-04-21 18:09:54
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