
AutoCad architectural drawing - cad how to draw various walls

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When AutoCad is drawing architectural drawings, the most important and basic thing is to draw the grid and walls. After we draw the grid, we need to add walls to the architectural drawings according to the structure of the grid. Most of the walls are arranged along the axis, and a few are used as partition walls.
Now let's see how AutoCad draws walls.

Operation method

First, we start AutoCad to draw the grid we need. The grid is the basis for wall drawing. After completing the grid drawing, we can draw the wall more accurately and easily.

Then, in the left Tianzheng toolbar, select Wall. In the wall tools menu, we can see a series of wall drawing or wall modification tools.

In the wall tool, we choose to draw the wall, and the AutoCad system will automatically pop up the setting window for wall drawing, where we can set the wall properties.

In the "Left Width" and "Right Width" windows of the window, enter specific values to draw wall lines directly in the drawing. The wall lines are two parallel lines.

In the window where AutoCad draws the wall, the left width and right width of the wall line are based on the point we determined with the mouse, and roughly the axis. The value entered is the distance from the axis.

We change one of the values to "0". When we draw the wall line again, we can see that one side of the wall line will overlap with the axis, and the wall only exists on the other side of the axis. This kind of wall is often used in architectural drawing.

In the AutoCad wall window, there are many preset wall property information of the AutoCad system. The wall width is the sum of the two values. We can directly select the appropriate wall value for drawing.

Drawing a complete closed wall basically completes the most basic step of architectural drawing. If we need to highlight the wall, we can click "Widen" in the setting options in the lower right corner to widen the wall line.

How tender is unrequited love 2024-06-01 20:16:14
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