
How to open a housekeeping company? What procedures do you need

As bright as spring flowers
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Domestic service has entered many families, and the domestic service industry has great potential for development. It is a good choice to start a household service company. How to start a household service company? What are the procedures for opening a housekeeping company?

Operation method

How to open a housekeeping company? What are the procedures for opening a housekeeping company? First of all, you should choose a good address, which can be a busy place or a residential area. After choosing the address, we will rent it and sign a rental contract.

How does the registered capital open a housekeeping company? What are the procedures for opening a housekeeping company? We need to prepare a registered capital of more than 100000 yuan to register the company.

How to open a housekeeping company? What are the procedures for opening a housekeeping company? We should also give the company a good name, a loud, memorable and auspicious name.

How can the company's shareholders open a housekeeping company? What are the procedures for opening a housekeeping company? Two or more shareholders are also required, and the information and ID cards of shareholders should be prepared.

How does the industrial and commercial department apply to open a domestic service company? What are the procedures for opening a housekeeping company? With the ID card of the company legal person, apply to the industrial and commercial department of the region where it belongs for some relevant procedures, and then apply for a business license.

How to get a license to open a domestic company? What are the procedures for opening a housekeeping company? After the industry and commerce department receives the business license, the company can start business, and then go to the talent market to recruit and train employees.

As bright as spring flowers 2024-05-24 06:14:35
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