
Methods for recovering YY account stolen

Silent clouds in the starry sky
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Those who play YY voice, especially the pretty number or the annual membership number with a high level, are very valuable, so the number thieves are indispensable, so everyone should improve their security awareness and improve the security data. Don't worry if you are stolen. Here's how to find your YY account.

Operation method

There are two possibilities for YY account theft. One is that the security and binding data have not been modified, and the other is that the security data has been modified. The former is relatively simple, while the latter is very troublesome. The latter may be caused by someone who is very familiar with you. They know all your information and steal your account through the way of statement. Let's start with the first one, Open the YY login - forget the password in the lower right corner - fill in the stolen YY account verification code to enter the next step!

If your YY number has a bound email address and a bound mobile phone, you can retrieve it through any of them. For example, you can retrieve it by binding the mobile phone, clicking the bound mobile phone, and retrieving the password by sending a text message. This is very simple!

This is a troublesome one, that is, the binding data has been modified. Now we will find your number by means of complaint. Since someone can steal your number by means of complaint, of course, you can also find it by means of complaint. First, open the login as above, and forget the secret in the lower right corner - after opening it, there is a complaint on the upper right, Initiate complaints through account verification

Fill in the information according to the prompts. If you need to fill in the following two words, you must remember the above information requirements when filling in. It is estimated that this method will be used if others can steal your number. Therefore, as long as the account is always used by you, it should not be a problem for you to retrieve it

After the first item of information is completed, the contact email will appear next. After filling in the email, go to the next step through the email verification (the contact email here is the email that can notify you, not your binding email) to start verifying the information. Whether you can pass the verification will depend on whether your information is true

According to the information carefully filled in, the most important thing is to invite three netizens who have played with you to prove that you have been on this account. Let them verify the proof. After the verification of the data friends, we will be relieved to wait for processing. As long as it is true, it will be sure to find it. After finding it, we can apply for new security.

Silent clouds in the starry sky 2024-06-01 05:51:18
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