
How to store 75% alcohol

Harsh gentleness
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75% alcohol is a flammable liquid, so it needs to be properly stored to ensure safety. The following are detailed instructions for storing 75% alcohol:

1. Storage location: alcohol should be stored in a well ventilated, dry place away from fire and heat sources. It is better to store them in a fireproof cabinet or fireproof cabinet to prevent accidental fire.

2. Container selection: alcohol should be stored in sealed containers to prevent evaporation and leakage. It is better to choose glass bottles or plastic bottles as containers because they will not react with alcohol.

3. Prevention of oxidation: alcohol is easy to be oxidized, so exposure to air should be avoided as far as possible. When using alcohol, please seal it immediately after use and ensure that the lid of the container is tight.

4. Avoid mixing: alcohol should not be mixed with other chemicals, as this may lead to dangerous reactions. If you need to mix alcohol with other chemicals, make sure you understand their chemical properties and take appropriate safety measures.

5. Storage time: Alcohol should be checked regularly to ensure that it is not leaking or damaged. If any problem is found, please replace the container immediately or dispose of the alcohol properly.

In conclusion, 75% alcohol should be stored safely, and the above recommendations should be followed to ensure its safe storage.

Harsh gentleness 2024-04-16 02:16:31
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