
Practice of pin butterfly bracelet

Smile to greet
Favorable reply

Operation method

Let's first take out a pin and clamp it straight with a pair of pliers

As shown in the figure, we have clamped the pin into a straight line

Then we take out the taper pliers

Clamp the middle position of the pin with the top end of the pliers, and then roll the threads on both sides to the left and right

After rolling, we will make the shape shown in the figure below

Then we use taper pliers to fix the circle

Pull the two separate lines together

We get the shape as shown in the figure

Then we fixed the rolled pin with the innermost part of the taper pliers

Let's roll the line from the left to the right

Look, it's like this

Let's roll the other side

Then we use the middle part of the cone to continue to fix it, and then roll it with the same steps

We rolled it aside

We follow the same steps to do the other side well

Let's see the back

Look at the front

We clamp the two wires and pull them back and up

Then cut it with heavy scissors

Then we use a sander to smooth the interface

Make another butterfly and hang it on the other butterfly

Then we take out a pin and cut it with scissors, as shown in the figure

This is what we look like after cutting

Then use the taper pliers to round the interface according to the previous method

Here we have rolled the two sides

Pulling them tight

After that, they will be fastened on the butterfly bracelet. Isn't it beautiful

hot tip

? Remember to grind and compress the joint

Smile to greet 2024-05-06 18:23:26
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