
How to remove yellow stains on teeth

Rainy Rose
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Tooth stains are commonly referred to as dental calculus. Its main components are food residues, bacteria and various enzymes in saliva, which usually attach to the root of the tooth or come from between the teeth. If it is not removed for a long time, the teeth will become brown, which will affect the image. So, how to remove the yellow stain on the teeth?

How to get rid of the yellow stain on the teeth is the best. The most effective way is to go to the hospital to wash the teeth. Washing the teeth can clear the dirt and stain on the teeth.
How to prevent yellow tooth stains? Care your mouth and teeth with mouthwash in a timely manner. Rinse your mouth with fluoride mouthwash to clean the dirt and dirt in your mouth and teeth gap, so as to prevent the regeneration of yellow tooth stains.
Is yellow tooth stain harmful? Yellow tooth stain is really a big problem for itself, and it can even affect normal work and life.
The use of dental floss can prevent yellow tooth stains. The cleaning effect of dental floss is very powerful, much stronger than that of toothbrush. After the teeth are cleaned, yellow tooth stains will not appear naturally.

Rainy Rose 2024-05-21 22:13:56
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