
How much does liposuction cost

Smile no matter how hard it is
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Generally, it takes a long time to exercise to lose weight, but many beauty lovers do not have that long time to exercise, so they will choose liposuction surgery to shape. How much does liposuction surgery cost?

Liposuction costs: Liposuction costs about 1500-3000 yuan per part. Beauty lovers can calculate the specific cost according to their own needs.
The recovery time of liposuction surgery is about one month. Of course, good nursing can also make the body recover faster.
Liposuction maintenance time Liposuction can be maintained permanently by doing a good job of nursing.
Note for liposuction operation: Do not press the operation site with hands after the operation, and do not touch water within 3-7 days. Keep the wound clean to avoid infection of the wound site.

Smile no matter how hard it is 2024-05-26 08:28:05
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