
Six composition methods for taking photos.

Favorable reply

No matter what kind of shooting tools you use, composition is an unavoidable topic.

Operation method

The first one that everyone can use is to put the subject in the middle.

The second is the symmetrical composition, which can be left and right, up and down, and inclined symmetrically.

The third diagonal composition.

The fourth is horizontal and vertical composition.

The fifth is the three-way composition, which can be horizontal or vertical. Pay special attention, the horizon should not be crooked!

The sixth is the composition of Jiugongge, which places the subject in the four red focuses.

Enlightenment 2024-05-27 06:36:38
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Q: How to replace a lost Beijing gas card

Answer: The Beijing gas card has been lost. Go to the gas company service center with the householder's ID card to apply for a replacement card, and cancel the previous card. For reissue, you need to bring your ID card and property card when opening an account. If your account is consistent with the property card, you can bring your account book. The Beijing gas card is lost, and the replacement of the gas card needs to provide: 1. a copy of the property card with the address column (if there is no property card, a copy of the seal on the cover page of the purchase contract can be provided; 2. a copy of the owner's ID card can be provided; 3. take a clear picture of the front of the gas meter with a mobile phone (mainly depending on the residual gas volume of the gas meter LCD)). 4. If you don't know the specific process, you'd better consult the staff in the local gas business hall.

Faraway Altair 2020-06-16

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