
Sina Weibo 6.0 How to customize the release of mobile phone name/Weibo tail

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Sina Weibo is the most commonly used microblog. Whether Sina Weibo users often see a small tail of this microblog when posting microblogs - from XXX mobile phones. How to set the microblog tail (microblog source)? Now let's take a look at the methods of versions above 6.0.

Operation method

Open your Sina Weibo APP.

Enter the homepage of Sina Weibo and click the "I" button at the bottom right corner.

In the "I" interface, click the member icon to enter the "User Center".

Find the "microblog source" in the user center interface and click this option

At this time, users can see their microblog source suffix names. Generally, it is XXX mobile phone client by default.

If the user is a member, he can also customize the microblog to publish the mobile name.

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Highland barley wine 2024-05-23 06:40:17
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