
Steamed Perch

A trace of vicissitudes
Favorable reply

Perch has few bones and high nutritional value, suitable for daily consumption

Operation method

Prepare the ingredients, wash the perch, ginger, and onion, cut them well, and set them aside

Cut some knives on the treated perch, sprinkle salt on it, and apply it to the wound

Then fill the stomach of the fish with ginger strips, including the fish head

Put the perch on the plate and steam it directly in the steamer without any other seasoning

The fire continued to steam for 13 minutes, then opened the lid of the pan, took out the whole plate, sprinkled with chopped green onion, sprinkled with soy sauce, cooking wine, steamed fish and soy sauce

Then boil the oil in the frying pan, heat the rapeseed oil, and pour it on the fish while it is hot, which will smell delicious

A trace of vicissitudes 2024-06-02 01:01:29
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