
How to set the desktop background in win10 Set the picture as the desktop wallpaper

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When we upgrade the computer system to Win10, we first have to choose a beautiful desktop background for our computer, because the desktop background setting will be different when upgrading. Especially after downloading photos, we want to open the photos and directly set them as the desktop background. The following editor will share how to set the desktop background in Win10.

Method 1

First, click the right mouse button in the blank space of the desktop. Be careful not to click the right mouse button on the taskbar. After the dialog box pops up, click Personalization.

Here you can set the background, color, lock screen desktop, theme and start. Here we need to click [Background]

After you open the background, under the preview, you can see that there are three choices under the background: picture, solid color, and slide show

When selecting a picture as the background, select the picture you like, select the fit, and click the drop-down menu.

There are fill, fit, stretch, tile, center and span. You can try each one to see what the difference is.

If the background is set to slide, you need to click Preview to select a folder first. After selecting, click the frequency of changing pictures, and then select the fit degree.

How to set a picture as the desktop background in win10

First, open the picture. After win10 is opened, the picture effect is different from that of win7 and xp. The latter can be set by clicking the right mouse button, but it is not necessary to click the right mouse button of win10. What can I do? First click the three points in the upper right corner

Click Set as Background to successfully set this picture as the desktop background.

People's hearts are good 2024-05-28 16:44:12
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