
The experience of milking the lactating female cat

I hope you come back from the snow
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On the 20th of May, the last kitten followed its owner, but the female cat at home was still fruitful

Operation method

The day after I sent the last kitten away, when I played with the female cat, I found that its breast was very swollen and there was a big lump. If I squeezed it gently, milk would overflow. Maybe it was very painful. The female cat was unwilling to milk me.

Because of its incompatibility, I dare not squeeze it for too long. Each time, I can only coax it to milk after playing a small meeting with it. Every time, it will struggle for dozens of seconds. Later, I thought that it should not be squeezed in one piece. Instead, I should follow the example of kitten sucking, holding the big piece with one hand and gently squeezing the nipple with the other hand. Indeed, it did not struggle so hard.

Every day, we should frequently observe whether there is any regression than before, whether the breast ducts are unobstructed, and whether the milk is thick. These two days have subsided a lot.

I hope you come back from the snow 2024-05-23 16:12:36
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