
The coordinates of the new point at the entrance of the legendary Tomb King Hall

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It is known that the legendary high level professional skill books were dropped by the King of Corpse, but the entrance point of the Hall of Corpse is randomly refreshed and will be opened at any time. Today, I will tell you some coordinates of the opening of the entrance of the Corpse King Hall. I hope you can get the skill book you want as soon as possible.

Operation method

First, enter the mine tunnel and then run to the entrance at the lower right corner of the map. Below are single entrances and exits, and run to the upper entrance of the waste mine. The coordinate points are as shown in the figure: 81.92, 120.109, 152.118, 127.156, 80.172

Cave coordinates in the east of waste mine: 22.105, 27.116, 89.62, 143.75, 151.16

Coordinates of underground excavation site: 28.114, 86.118, 88.116, 160.70, 146.152

Coordinates of ore storage: 69.95, 80.153, 82.154, 128.100, 176.61.

Cave coordinates in the south of the waste mine: 85.60, 79.72, 122.79, 152.17, 142.134. Each of the above coordinate points will refresh a ground penetrating zombie. When it comes out, you can stand on the hole and enter.

everything is going smoothly 2024-06-02 16:08:00
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