
How much is the monthly salary of pet beautician

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Many students who want to learn pet cosmetology are concerned about one question: how much is the monthly salary of a pet cosmetologist? Here's the answer

Operation method

The study period of cosmetologist is usually two or three months, while it takes one or two years to learn computer or cooking at least. The tuition is lower than other majors, but the employment rate is higher than other majors. After graduation, students do not need to find their own jobs. All jobs will come to you, and they do not need to worry about the difficulty of employment. In terms of salary, the average monthly income is about 5000 yuan. At present, the annual income of a few A-level beauticians can reach more than 150000 yuan.

Pet beautician is a caring profession, and also a profession that can improve the quality of their own lives. Pet beauticians generally have three ways of working: working in a pet shop, free pet beauticians, and opening their own shops. Pet beauticians have six levels from low to high, including C, B, and A.

Among them, Level A is the highest level, with training qualifications, and is the authority of the pet beauty industry; Class B beauticians mainly serve competition level dogs, or as beauty supervisors in some large pet stores; Class C beauticians are what we usually call ordinary pet beauticians, who bathe, shape and care dogs.

The salary of three levels of pet beauticians is very different, but also varies according to different regions. Generally, high level pet beauticians are mostly concentrated in first tier cities, and their income is also very considerable. However, it takes a lot of time and effort to get the A-level and B-level certificates, especially A-level certificates. For a Class C pet beautician who works in a pet shop, the basic salary is generally about 3000 to 4000 (no commission), and for Class B, the monthly salary is about 5000 to 7000 (no commission). You can also open your own pet shop.

Pet beauticians usually have a commission, which depends on the local conditions. Sometimes they do more beauty in a month, and may earn thousands of dollars. However, the position of pet beautician is also hard, but it can be taken off in lieu, because the nature of the pet shop determines that there will be more business on Saturday and Sunday. If you work in a big store, if you do well, you may be promoted to store manager, supervisor, etc. These need not only skills, but also certain communication skills.

Let go of yourself 2024-05-29 06:40:34
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