
Cross stitch pithy formula

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Cross stitch pithy formula refers to some simple and easy to remember tips, which are used to guide the embroidery method of cross stitch. The following are some common cross stitch pithy formulas and their detailed descriptions:

1. Threading the needle and thread, symmetrical from left to right: when embroidering cross stitch, it is necessary to thread the needle first and then thread the thread. When threading the needle, pay attention to keeping the symmetry between the left and right to avoid deviation.

2. The needle head goes in the direction and the thread head goes in the opposite direction: when making cross stitch, the needle head needs to pass through the fabric in the direction of the thread head, so that the thread head can be prevented from winding on the needle head.

3. Front stitch method and rear thread insertion method: When cross stitch is embroidered, the front stitch method can be used. The needle head can be passed through the fabric first and then inserted into the thread head, which can prevent the thread head from sliding on the fabric.

4. Details determine success or failure. Practice frequently: When embroidering cross stitch, attention should be paid to details, such as the length of thread ends, color matching, etc. At the same time, we need to practice hard to improve our embroidery skills.

5. Careful planning and embroidery: When making cross stitch, careful planning is required, such as designing patterns, selecting colors, etc. Then carefully embroider to ensure the quality of embroidery.

6. Patiently embroider with one needle and one thread: when embroidering cross stitch, embroider with one needle and one thread without impatience. At the same time, it needs to be patiently embroidered to ensure the beauty of embroidery.

7. Dot and thread into surface, thread and surface into clothes: when embroidering cross stitch, it is necessary to gradually embroider dot and thread into surface, and then gradually embroider surface into clothes. This can ensure the integrity and beauty of embroidery.

8. Do not pull or loosen, and embroider steadily: when embroidering cross stitch, it is necessary to maintain the tightness of the thread head, and it cannot be too tight or too loose. At the same time, embroidery needs to be carried out smoothly to ensure the quality of embroidery.

9. Strictly follow the drawing and handle flexibly: when embroidering cross stitch, embroider it in strict accordance with the design pattern. But you can also do some flexible processing according to your own preferences, such as changing colors and adding details.

10. Outstanding embroideries and exquisite skills: When embroidering cross stitch, attention should be paid to details and skills to create outstanding embroideries. At the same time, we need to keep learning and improving to make our skills more exquisite.

Time passes 2024-04-16 12:53:27
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