
Price of caesarean scar plastic surgery

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Caesarean section is a method that many female friends will choose, but this method will lead to the problem of scar on the abdomen of female friends as long as the female friends do not care properly. So the price of scar plastic surgery for Caesarean section?

The price of scar plastic surgery for cesarean section scar is not very expensive, but the cost of surgery is related to the size of the female friend's scar, and the general price is about 2500-3500 yuan.
The female friends who regularly care for caesarean section after the operation must pay great attention to the wound, and regularly change the gauze of the wound, while disinfecting the wound to prevent infection.
Pay attention to the diet after surgery. If you want your wound to recover more quickly, you need to eat some nutritious food or more protein rich food in your daily life.
Wound discomfort Female friends may have itching problems after surgery, especially in summer, which is more serious, but do not scratch or infection will occur.

The smoke lasts like a picture 2024-04-16 15:13:03
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