
How to download WeChat on a computer

Eternal sun
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How can I download WeChat on my computer? Many friends only use their mobile phones to chat on WeChat, so how to use computers to chat on WeChat? Then you need to download a WeChat on your computer first. Today, Xiaobai will share an article with you, telling you how to download WeChat on your computer.

Operation method

We can do it with the help of the computer butler. Let's open our computer butler first. Then select the toolbox in the lower right corner.

After entering, the first content is software management. We click this option.

Click on the search bar and enter WeChat.

The system will search out the content related to WeChat for us. This content is the same as our mobile WeChat image, which is the content we want to download.

It is automatically installed after downloading. If it is not the latest version, we can upgrade it.

After installation, double click our WeChat icon to open the shortcut and enter the login interface.

After logging in, you need to verify with your mobile phone, scan the QR code, and then confirm that you log in with Windows. Then you can log in with your computer.

Eternal sun 2024-06-01 10:55:33
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