
Display Skills of Fruit Snack Shop

Fireworks swamp
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If fruit snack shops want to do well, they still have some knowledge of display. If you want to do this business, you must study hard. We need to see how those stores that are well managed are doing. Now let's talk about how to display fruit snack stores.

Operation method

[The fruit should be placed in a place with sufficient light] This is because if the fruit does not have sufficient light, it will not look fresh if the color is not bright. Can't stimulate customers' purchase desire. So the fruit must be placed in a place with sufficient light. Pay attention to the bright lights in the store.

[The same kind, the same color or similar colors are put together] This is to facilitate customers to find the desired fruit. If this piece and that piece are not placed according to this standard, customers will have to look for the fruit they want for a long time, which will affect customers' purchasing desire and mood, and they may not come again next time.

[Fruits should be stacked adequately] This is to give customers a sense of adequate supply. We can't just leave a few of them there. The customer feels that they are picking the leftovers, which means they have no desire to buy. Remember to stack enough, and don't give people the feeling that they can't go on.

[The fruit with large sales or special price shall be placed near the door] This position is the most conspicuous. Customers can see it as soon as they enter the door, which can quickly stimulate their desire to buy. You can also post pictures and prices of special fruit outside the store, which will attract customers to buy things.

[Similar snacks are placed together] This is also convenient for customers to find and perfect their purchase experience. Otherwise, customers always consult, which is not a long-term method.

[The earlier the production date is, the more conspicuous it should be.] This is because if you do not do this, those whose production date is earlier will expire. Snacks can only be discarded when they are expired. If time goes by, they will lose a lot.

[Children's favorite snacks are placed at the cashier] The cashier is the best place for children's favorite snacks. Many customers will show their children around. When paying the bill, children will see these favorite snacks and ask their parents to buy them. Generally, parents will also meet their requirements. In this way, the sales of snacks will increase.

Fireworks swamp 2024-05-23 15:51:16
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