
Third introduction to WeChat modification

Wait for an old man
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Operation method

The WeChat number can only be modified once, and cannot be modified again after being modified once. If you want to set a special WeChat signal for you, you can register a new WeChat signal for use.

WeChat setting rules: 6 to 20 letters, numbers, underscores and minus signs can be used. They must start with a letter (case insensitive). Chinese settings are not supported and can only be set once.

WeChat modification method: Open WeChat and click "I" in the lower right corner.

Click to enter "Settings".

Click to enter "Account and Security".

Click "WeChat" to modify. If it cannot be modified, it means that the WeChat account has been modified before and cannot be modified again.

Wait for an old man 2024-05-24 00:27:58
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Latest answers Change


Q: What should we do when the house tide returns in spring

Answer: At this time, the most suitable method is to close the doors and windows to avoid convection with the outside moisture flow. If an air conditioner is installed at home, the air conditioner should be turned on for temperature extraction and dehumidification. Turn on the air conditioner once every morning and once every afternoon for about an hour. Air conditioner is called Air Conditioner. It refers to the equipment used to adjust and control the temperature, humidity, flow rate and other parameters of the ambient air in buildings or structures by manual means. Generally, it includes cold/heat source equipment, cold/hot medium transmission and distribution system, terminal device and other auxiliary equipment. It mainly includes refrigeration host, water pump, fan and pipeline system. The terminal device is responsible for using the cold and heat transmitted and distributed to specifically handle the air state to make the air parameters of the target environment meet the requirements.

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