
How long does it take to charge the phone for the first time?

The most familiar stranger
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We all know that mobile phones need to be recharged after they are finished, but we also have such a misunderstanding that new mobile phones need to be recharged for 24 hours and 12 hours. In fact, current mobile phones do not need to be recharged like this. Let's see how long a mobile phone needs to be recharged.

Operation method

It was 2004 when Xiao Bian started using mobile phones. Not long after the smart phones came out, they used nickel metal hydride batteries, so the first and second discharges were complete and full for 12 hours, which was to activate the mobile phone batteries;

At present, we have said goodbye to NiMH batteries, which are all lithium batteries. The lithium batteries are not activated, so you may have a misunderstanding, so the mobile phones are usually full in two hours;

Since about 2010, lithium batteries have been the main battery. Now, most mobile phones of major brands are lithium batteries. Now, do not charge after the power is completely exhausted, which will affect the service life of the battery. Even if it is charged for the first time, it can be fully charged when the power is insufficient;

Generally, mobile phone charging takes about 2 hours, but like the OPP mobile phone, the charging speed may be a little faster. Due to the stagnation of lithium electronic capacitance, it can only be changed through other technologies. Fast charging can be realized through fast charging, and it can be fully charged in one hour generally;

In a word, aluminum batteries should not be discharged completely and charged too long. Excessive charging and discharging will lead to the rapid aging of lithium batteries. In addition, our charging heads have 1A and 2A models. Mobile phones are generally equipped with 1A, and special mobile phone chargers should be used to avoid accidents.

The most familiar stranger 2024-06-02 12:02:42
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