
The strongest method of fish hook binding

one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn
Favorable reply

Operation method

Attach the thread to the hook shaft and roll a large circle.

Wrap the fishing line and hook for four or five times.

Finish threading back into the big outer ring.

Tighten and cut off the surplus.

When tensioning, take the main line back to the direction of the hook tip.

one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn 2024-05-26 09:15:04
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Q: What are the national policies for farms

Answer: There should be agricultural subsidies for the breeding industry. We don't know what the specific breeding is, and different provinces may not be the same. Consult the local agricultural committee, agricultural office or agricultural bureau. Tax: VAT and business tax are exempted, and urban construction tax, education surcharges and local education surcharges are exempted. The property tax and land use tax of the breeding industry are exempted, and the stamp tax of the breeding industry is exempted. After the cancellation of agricultural specialty tax, reduction or exemption of agricultural tax, individual income tax shall be temporarily exempted for individuals, self-employed households, individual proprietorships and partnerships (investors) engaged in planting, breeding, breeding and fishing, and the business items fall within the scope of agricultural tax (including agricultural specialty tax) and animal husbandry tax.

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