
How can I convert a word document to excel?

Green silk to white hair
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Sometimes we often receive some forms made in Word. For data sorting and analysis, it is more convenient to use Excel directly. How can we directly convert the forms made in Word into Excel?

Operation method

The first method that many people think of is to directly copy the whole form in Word, and then open Excel to paste directly. However, this method has a disadvantage that the original format style cannot be completely maintained and needs to be adjusted manually.

Here is a simple and direct method. Here, select WPS version as an example. First, enter the word document, and then enter Save As - Other Formats.

Note that in the saved file type, select [Web Page File], then select the saved location, and click [Save].

Then open a blank Excel file, enter the toolbar, select File - Open, and find the saved word document in web page format.

In this way, the previous word table will be displayed in the form of excel table directly and exactly. Only the table contents are displayed. Gridlines are automatically hidden by default.

If you want to display the hidden grid lines, enter the toolbar and select View - Display Grid Lines. After editing the form, save it as an excel file.

Green silk to white hair 2024-05-22 00:00:01
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