
How can the skin itch and get pimples?

Young after the vicissitudes
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With the warmer weather, more and more skin diseases such as eczema, urticaria, mosquito bites and so on will cause serious itching and pimples on the skin, which will bring great trouble to people. What is the problem of itching and pimples on the body? Being ticklish is a kind of instinctive performance of us. It is the same as being afraid of pain, but the difference is that itching is intolerable. Recently, such hot and cold days will make some people's bodies itch and get pimples. Now let's take a look at how the itching and pimples on the body come about?

What's the matter with itching and pimples

Eczema: pimples and itching on the body may also be the manifestation of eczema. After eczema is caused by various internal and external factors, it has obvious symptoms: acute deterioration of the primary source, redness, swelling, erosion, and exudation; Secondary sources appeared 1-2 weeks after the onset of the disease, such as papules, small water cells, erosion, exudation, etc; Eczema is often distributed in the limbs, especially the upper limbs, but also in the trunk, face and neck.

Urticaria: Urticaria can cause red pimples on the skin, and it is one by one. The symptoms are sudden redness and itching of the skin, and the appearance of large and small rashes of various shapes. At first, the rashes are isolated or scattered, gradually expand, and merge into patches. Most of these rashes will disappear automatically within twenty-four hours, but new rashes occur one after another, one after another. It can be divided into acute urticaria, chronic urticaria, angioneurotic edema and papular urticaria.

Sunshine dermatitis: Sunshine dermatitis is caused by some people's allergy to ultraviolet rays. It usually comes on 1-2 hours after the sun exposure. The skin rash often occurs on the face, the "v" shaped area in the neck and front of the neck, the back of the hand and upper limbs. It is characterized by small papules, small blisters, and conscious itching. In severe cases, the non light part can also have skin rashes, which are not painful, obvious itching, and disappear slowly.

Insect bite dermatitis: It is related to mosquito bites, such as allergic reactions induced by insects such as bedbugs, fleas, lice, mites, mosquitoes, etc. that inject saliva after biting the skin. The prevention of this disease should be reduced to grass, shade or damp places where there are many mosquitoes. Mosquito incense can be smoked indoors. It is better not to use safflower oil or toilet water, because this will lead to skin allergy, but exacerbate the disease.

Other skin allergic diseases: with the growth of age, our skin protection function will gradually deteriorate, and the protection of skin against external invasion will also increasingly lose its resistance, which will lead to many problems. Allergy, itching and pimples become important manifestations.

Young after the vicissitudes 2024-05-28 11:56:25
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