
How to set automatic reply in Outlook 2007

Grandpa Sunshine
Favorable reply

We usually use e-mail to communicate with customers. The first time we receive a message, the other party will feel more cordial and sincere. If Outlook can provide an automatic reply function, we will get twice the result with half the effort. Let's talk about how to set the automatic reply function in Outlook 2007.

Operation method

We must first create an account for Outlook 2007 before we can take advantage of its reply function. There are many ways to create an account. Users in need can search online. In addition, the editor recommends a tutorial on creating an account in Outlook 2007 at the reference address at the back of this experience. Friends in need can go there to learn. After we have completed the account creation, we can start our goal task today.

Create an email with the message you want to reply to. Open Outlook 2007, click Tools → Options, switch to the Mail Format tab in the Options window, set the Mail Format to Pure File, and click OK to complete the setting.

Click "File" → "New" → "Mail" to create a new mail. Enter the content you want to reply to automatically in the content area of the open "Edit New Message" window.

Save the message you just wrote as a template file. Click the "Office Button" → "Save As" command to save the newly created message as "Outlook Template" with the name of "Automatic Reply". Click the "Save" button.

Set automatic reply rules for messages. Click "Tools" → "Rules and Notices", in the opened "Rules and Notices" window, click the "New Rule" button, in the newly popped up "Rule Wizard" window, find and click "Mail to Arrival Detection" under "Start with Blank Rules", and then click "Next".

Check the "Send to Me Only" option in the "Step 1: Select Conditions" window, and then click "Next".

In the "Step 1: Select an operation" window, check the "Reply with a specific template" option, and then click the underline of "Specific template". A dialog box will pop up, displaying only the standard template. Please select "User template in the file system" from the "Search" drop-down list box, Then locate the saved template file named "Auto Reply", and click the "Finish" button directly.

In the returned "Rules and Notifications" window, directly click the "OK" button to complete the whole setting process. So far, your email has the function of automatic reply. Try it now.

Grandpa Sunshine 2024-05-20 15:04:07
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