
How to turn on the video recording button

Clouds passing by
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Lol is a popular game in recent years. Many children have a heart to save the world. However, after saving the world, they want to look at their brave and brave appearance and relive the unforgettable picture of escaping from the white blade in the world of killing. Now let's talk about how to satisfy the hearts of our friends.

Operation method

First of all, when we come to the game interface, we will find a left click game circle below.

Heroic Moment Left click in the game circle to see the heroic moment. We left click the heroic moment.

Then a dialog box will appear to find the gear mark in the upper right corner.

Recording Settings Left click the inverted triangle next to the gear wheel to find a recording setting.

The recording function will open a window in which a recording function will open it.

The final effect Now we can see that there is a record button on the interface to record.

Clouds passing by 2024-05-27 20:05:04
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