
How to use a little English?

The old city warms people's hearts
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English learning has become one of the soft competitiveness in the modern workplace. If you don't have a lot of time to learn English and want to improve your English ability in your spare time, it is a good choice to learn a little English. So, how should I use a little English?

Operation method

First, open the main interface of the "Yidian English" app or applet, and find the appropriate learning videos you are interested in through classification, rating or collection. According to the overall difficulty of words and videos, they are divided into levels 1-6. You can select videos of corresponding levels according to your own level.

Click the learning video you select, and there are three subtitle forms: Chinese and English subtitles, English subtitles, and no subtitles. You can click the icon in the upper right corner to switch. If you choose the subtitled form, if you encounter a word you don't understand, you can directly click on the new word to display the relevant analysis. If you don't want to watch the video, you can click "Learn English" at the top of the video to jump to the learning section.

After watching the learning video, we entered the learning section. The learning part consists of three parts: key vocabulary learning, listening practice and oral practice. If you only want to train a weak item, just click the part you want to train.

In the [Key Vocabulary Learning] section, from the mode setting, we can see that there are five learning methods, and four user-defined learning methods. In the process of learning, there is the option of "Don't Learn Again" in the lower left corner, and you can pass the words you have mastered directly.

In the part of [Listening Training], the learning method of blind listening is adopted, and each sentence can be re heard many times until it is understood. As for the choice of speaking speed, it currently supports 0.5 times, 0.8 times and 1.0 times.

In the [Oral Practice] section, you have set up the following reading. The user can play the following reading recording, or listen to the original voice repeatedly. The system will evaluate your pronunciation in real time. In addition, the following voice in oral practice will be synchronized to the video comments~~

The old city warms people's hearts 2024-05-26 08:23:32
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