
How the nasolabial groove is formed

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The nasolabial groove is an important part of the nose. The depth of the nasolabial groove will directly affect a person's appearance. So many people are curious about how the nasolabial groove is formed. The nasolabial groove will also change with age. Let's talk about it.

How the nasolabial groove is formed is easy to change through some facial expressions and movements, especially the cheek will interact with some tissues to produce the nasolabial groove.
Notes after the nasolabial groove filling operation Attention should be paid to the infection of the wound after the nasolabial groove filling operation. When swelling and cold compress are applied, do not go to the injection site, and do not go to the sauna after one week of injection, especially do not take aspirin after the operation.
The duration of the nasolabial groove filling operation is generally 6-12 months, and each beauty lover's situation is different, and the effect will be very different.
What to do before the filling of the nasolabial groove? After the filling of the nasolabial groove, you must carefully check your body. Besides, you are not allowed to drink alcohol before the operation, and you should avoid taking drugs to dilate blood vessels before the operation.

Rover 2024-05-20 03:11:46
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