
Red Alert, the Glory of the Republic -- The Red Revolution Pass Strategy

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The play of the Red Revolution mainly depends on the use of the variability of thinking. Follow me to experience the different play!

Operation method

First of all, the system gives base vehicles and tanks, as well as a small number of troops and dogs of Apocalypse. The base car will be built to manufacture power plants, minerals and barracks in turn. Then send tank apocalypse and dogs to attack the base above the enemy, use dogs to destroy and defend the enemy, and then use tank apocalypse to attack the enemy's nuclear magnetic circle, remember to clear the enemy's anti-aircraft guns. Two power plants are reserved for use.

After the barracks are built, 6 engineering soldiers will be produced quickly, and radar will be built at the same time. These six engineers are in turn the two power plants occupied, the oil extraction machine on the right side of the enemy base, the oil extraction machine on the left, and the oil extraction machine and maintenance station on the right. Another can be used to occupy air bases. Then put up warning guns in the occupied areas to prevent the enemy from attacking.

The next thing to be built is the War Vehicle Factory, which can produce a mining vehicle. Build research labs and nuclear power plants. At the same time, install anti-aircraft guns on the occupied front base. At this time, the first Iron Curtain attack of the enemy should be welcomed. Don't worry, just keep it well to prevent the enemy's Yuri from coming. Make full use of the advantages of sentry guns and anti-aircraft guns, and you can borrow the horror spider. At the same time, three Kirov airships were produced.

Then use the Kirov airship to attack the enemy. The attack position is to attack the enemy's two nuclear power stations along the air force base in turn, and then destroy the enemy's bases, chariot factories, barracks, etc., and then bypass the enemy to destroy another nuclear power station. At this time, there may be a second attack of the enemy's Iron Curtain. Don't worry, just deploy the warning guns. After attacking the enemy's second base, use the advantage of Kirov to directly attack the enemy's mission target to complete the mission.

Free and easy life 2024-05-27 06:17:42
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