
How can the wireless router enable the wireless bridging function (wds)?

Ideal octogenarian
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WDS is a wireless distributed system. It connects multiple wireless routers by bridging or repeaters. It uses wireless as the bridging medium. It does not require network cables, but only wireless.

Wds connection process

The wireless router bridge does not need to be connected through the network cable. We can put the main router on the first floor, and then place the wireless router in the middle of each floor corridor, but the signal between the wireless routers must be very good. We mentioned the settings of the main router. Generally, the network segment of the main router is, and remember the wireless ssid name and password. Then we directly log in to the second wireless router settings.

After logging in the wireless router, select the working mode, click Allow software control mode switching, and select bridge; The bridge mode can be connected to each other, while the repeater relay mode can only be connected up and down;

The next step is to set the IP address in the network parameter LAN port setting. The above wireless router sets different segments of the IP (dhcp can not be turned off). If the same segment is used again, the dhcp function needs to be turned off to avoid wireless access conflicts;

SSIDs can be set in the same way or in different ways. The main reason is that the channel settings must be the same (all are 11 or other), and then click to enable the wds function. Now you know what the wds function is? It is used for wireless bridging. It is said that there is no need for network cables to connect two wireless routers.

After clicking in to start the wds, the bridge information will pop up below. Click the scan button to start searching for signals in the scan area;

It is found that there are 26 APs. Find the main wireless router set by yourself, for example: 5Gtest, the channel is 11, which meets the requirements, and the signal strength is 42, which is also relatively strong. Click the following connection.

Click Connect to jump to the basic wireless network setting interface. The bridged ssid displays 5gtest, then enter the key and save it. After saving, restart the router.

Ideal octogenarian 2024-05-27 19:04:48
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