
Top 10 tourist attractions for self-service tour in Yunnan

A rose that never withers
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During the Warring States Period, it was the habitat of the Dian tribe. Snow mountains, grass and Xunzi, terraces, rainforests, lakes, rivers, rich ethnic minorities. The south of colorful clouds contains too much magic and beauty. The following are the top ten must see attractions of Yunnan self-help tour carefully introduced by landscape carvings for hikers.

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The ancient city of Lijiang - The entry of Oriental Venice into the ancient city gives people a feeling of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, which is like a beautiful picture, making many tourists linger. Because of the building of streets near the river, the whole ancient city of Lijiang has formed a style of letting the river flow through the streets, walls and houses. The whole ancient city has created a school of "six live water in front of each house, and the weeping willows brush the eaves".

Stone Forest - The world's first wonder is a rare scenic spot in the world. It is a masterpiece of nature's uncanny workmanship. Hundreds of boulders, like a big black forest, form a landscape independently and crisscross. The most typical one is called Liziying Stone Forest. I saw strange stones rising from the ground, jagged peaks, various postures, wonderful workmanship, peacocks spreading their wings, phoenix spirit instrument, elephant kicking stone platform, rhinoceros watching the moon, Tang Monk Stone and Guanyin Stone are all lifelike.

Lugu Lake - Reflecting the Mosuo style, it is known as the "Pearl of the Plateau". All kinds of birds in the lake are graceful and graceful, with different shapes. The trees are lush and green as a picture. When you are in the lake, the water and the sky are the same color, clear as a mirror, dotted with algae and flowers. The pig trough boat slowly sliding on the blue wave and the Mosuo folk song slowly floating between the water and the sky make it more primitive. It is a kind of quiet, unpolluted virgin lake far away from the noisy city.

Cangshan Erhai, a famous literati in the Ming Dynasty, described it as "the mountains are green and beautiful, while the sea is half moon covered", "a bit of Cangshan makes you feel relaxed when you look at it". Cangshan Mountain has always been famous for snow, clouds and springs. The snow in Cangshan Mountain, which does not disappear in summer, is the most famous of the four "romantic" sights in Dali. Erhai Lake is a plateau lake with beautiful scenery. Boating in Erhai Lake on a calm day, the clean and transparent sea surface is like a blue sky, giving people a quiet and distant feeling.

Three Parallel Rivers Three Parallel Rivers refers to the Jinsha River, Lancang River and Nu River running side by side in the mountains, forming a unique natural geographical landscape of "rivers flowing together without crossing", which is rare in the world. Together, the "Riverside Culture" scenic spot, which has been bred for thousands of years, has a large area, rich landscapes, and colorful ethnic customs, and constitutes a magnificent, dangerous, beautiful, strange, secluded, open and other characteristics, extremely fascinating.

Shangri la, the place closest to heaven, means "the moon in your heart" in Tibetan, and it is a haven that people have been looking for for a long time. The blue sky, floating with white clouds, and lakes dotted like pearls on the endless grassland, snow peaks, grasslands, flowers, lakes, and herds constitute the most special scenery of Shangri la in summer, It adds a fairy tale romance to the journey.

Yulong Snow Mountain, one of the sacred mountains and settlements of the Naxi nationality where the eternal jade dragon dances, is wrapped in snow, and the thirteen peaks are continuous, like a "jade dragon" leaping and dancing, so it is called "jade dragon". It is famous for its danger, wonder, beauty, and beauty. It is magnificent, exquisite, and beautiful. With the change of seasons and climate, sometimes the clouds are shining, sometimes the jade dragon is hidden, sometimes the sky is cloudless, The peaks are sparkling.

Tengchong Geothermal Volcano Tengchong is a famous land of geothermal energy. With a large area of hot sea, the hot fields have unique landscapes and diverse types. Hot springs have curative effects on a variety of diseases. Volcanic groups are large in scale, well preserved, and in different shapes. There are many strange stones. Pumice, volcanic rocks, volcanic eggs, and volcanic caves are known as "natural geological and natural museums". There are many kinds of animals and plants. Some people praise Gaoligong Mountain as "the big garden of the plant kingdom" and "the hundred flower garden in Hengduan Mountain".

Xishuangbanna, an ideal and magical paradise, "long summer without winter, one rain into autumn"! The beautiful Xishuangbanna gives people the impression of a beautiful picture; In the dense primeval forest, wild elephants walk leisurely, peacocks and white gulls fly in the forest; On the beautifully decorated countryside, the phoenix tail bamboo is whirling, the areca tree is graceful, and the big green tree is rooted in the forest.

Honghe Hani terraces use the special geographical climate of "one mountain divides into four seasons, ten miles of different days", "how high the mountain is, how high the water is", and adjust measures to local conditions. After thousand years of cultivation, they have created agricultural and ecological wonders of terraces. They are vast in area, magnificent in momentum, spring plowing and autumn harvesting, magnificent in landscape, and cultural and natural landscapes complement each other, It is known as a model of ingenious combination of national culture and natural ecology.

A rose that never withers 2024-06-02 03:28:43
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