
How to Draw a Piecewise Function Image with MATLAB

Nan Kemeng
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When we use MATLAB to draw a piecewise function, we often encounter some problems and errors. The following section gives a drawing method, which is practical.

Operation method

Open MATLAB software, as shown in the figure.

Create a script file, as shown in the figure.

Define variables.

Establish loop and solve piecewise function.

Use the following instructions to draw.

The drawn picture is as shown in the figure.

Nan Kemeng 2024-05-20 05:28:22
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Latest answers Change


Q: Why was the sky purple before the typhoon

A: Because when a typhoon or a large number of rain clouds are coming, there will be a large amount of moisture and smiling dust particles in the air, which will reduce the transparency of the air, and this will absorb or reflect the light with weak penetration in the air, leaving only the red (or pink) with the strongest penetration. When pink and red and other colors intersect with the color of the night, A purple sky will appear. Typhoon is a kind of tropical cyclone. Tropical cyclone is a low-pressure vortex occurring on the tropical or subtropical ocean surface, which is a strong and deep "tropical weather system". China classifies tropical cyclones in the South China Sea and the Northwest Pacific into six grades according to the maximum average wind speed (wind speed) near the bottom center. Those near the center with a wind force of 12 or more are collectively called typhoons. In a broad sense, the word "typhoon" is not a tropical cyclone intensity. Tropical cyclones (including tropical storms, severe tropical storms and typhoons defined by the World Meteorological Organization) with sustained wind speeds of 17.2 meters per second or more in the center are called typhoons. In informal occasions, "typhoon" even directly refers to the tropical cyclone itself. When a tropical cyclone in the northwest Pacific reaches the strength of a tropical storm, it is given a name. The name is provided by 14 countries and regions of the Typhoon Committee of the World Meteorological Organization.

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