
How to identify pirated books

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Sometimes I want to buy some famous works, but I don't know if they are genuine. Now books are very expensive. Once you buy pirated books, it is very disturbing. So, how to identify pirated books?


Low end pirated books. The overall printing quality is poor and easy to identify, which is reflected in: poor paper use (paper is thin, yellow and gray), uneven ink color, color phase deviation, inaccurate overprint, blurred images, tape marks or patchwork marks on the edges of images and texts, improper cutting of finished products, poor binding quality (there are many quality problems such as missing lines and wrong pages), Moreover, there are many errors in words and punctuation marks (some errors can reach more than ten characters per code), and there are many wrong sentences.

High end pirated books. The overall printing quality is high, which is little different from the genuine book, and is difficult to distinguish. It is shown in the following aspects: better paper, more uniform ink color, better hue, more accurate overprint, clearer image hierarchy, more square cutting of finished products, better binding quality, and fewer text errors.


The appearance of the detailed examination document. Specifically: First instance cover. Compared with genuine books, the cover of pirated books is often not in correct color, either dull or gorgeous, and the color is often mixed. As long as you compare frequently, it is not difficult to distinguish the differences between them. Second, look at binding. According to the practice of the publishing industry, a genuine book with more than 200 pages should be replaced by wire binding, plastic binding or wireless binding. However, due to the limitation of printing and binding equipment or cost reduction, pirates still use wire binding for more than 300 or 400 pages of pirated books. Third, look at the printing factory. Each publishing house has several fixed printing users, and each printing factory has its own characteristics in paper, ink and printing. If you pay attention to this, it will help identify pirated books. Fourth, look at the paper. The book should be printed on both sides. If the paper is too thin, it is easy to mix ink and make the handwriting illegible. Therefore, with the exception of dictionaries, the legitimate book paper is 52 grams or more. Once you encounter a book with thin paper and the handwriting on the other side is exposed, you must be careful.

The text of the review. There are three representations of pirated books in the text: first, there are many wrong words, typos, disyllabic words, derivative words, and faulty sentences; second, the typesetting is often not neat, either sparse or dense, and the vision is harsh; The third is like a copy. Some pirated books are not set up separately, but are set up according to the original book. Although this can avoid the mistakes in the text and the ugly appearance in the layout, there are many ink spots on the paper, and the handwriting tends to be puffy, which looks like a copy drilled out of the copier. In fact, no matter how fake, there is always a distance between pirated books and genuine books. Therefore, it is better to compare books with many others when buying them.

Pay attention to book publishing information. Such as publishing house, ISBN, edition, etc.

Price: Genuine books are uniformly priced by the relevant departments, so the purchase discounts of the genuine book dealers are relatively high, and the purchase discounts are almost the same. So please make sure that buyers compare their purchases. For some books with extremely low prices, you must ask clearly before buying, so you should not be greedy.

It is better to buy genuine books from some bookstores with large scale and good credit, because these sellers generally have proper purchase channels. If you are not sure whether the book you want to buy is genuine, you must ask the seller clearly and make a guarantee. If any of the above characteristics of pirated books are found, they should immediately report and complain to the relevant departments, and put forward a return request to the seller

Smile 2024-06-01 04:09:17
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