
What if there is no sound in the calculator?

Old Man in the Mountain
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Today's calculators generally have a voice broadcast function. If the calculator suddenly becomes silent, you can refer to the following to solve the problem.

Operation method

When there is no sound in the calculator, first check whether the sound icon on the calculator display screen opens normally. If not, first check whether the sound button on the calculator is used to turn off the sound.

If the sound icon displays normally and the button does not turn off the sound, you can consider disassembling the calculator. After disassembling, check whether the cable connecting the circular horn in the calculator is broken.

If the connection line is not broken, check whether the speaker is damaged or whether the pronunciation film is damaged. If it is damaged, it is estimated that the speaker must be replaced.

You can also check that the welding points connecting the horn in the calculator are not loose. If they are loose, the calculator will not make any sound.

In addition, in order to better deal with this silent situation caused by solder joint problems, you can prepare a hot melt adhesive. Of course, it is better to have an electric soldering iron.

When it is found that the soldering points on the horn or motherboard are loose, it can be directly fixed with a hot-melt gun to solve the problem of no sound of the calculator.

Old Man in the Mountain 2024-05-26 09:42:14
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