
Where can I download the latest and complete financial statements?

Wandering Alone
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In the work, financial personnel need to make various statements, and sometimes the statements will change with the changes of some regulations. How to obtain the latest version of financial statements? Here's how to download the latest and complete financial statements?

Operation method

Log in to the electronic tax bureau → click declaration and payment → after the page jump, pull the page to the bottom, find the financial statement area, and click "fill in the report".

After entering the module, click "Web page submission". Regardless of whether it has been reported, this operation will not affect anything.

Go to the page and click "Next". After the prompt pops up, click "OK".

After clicking OK, the current report of the enterprise will pop up on the page. Regardless of this report, click "Download Template" in the upper right corner.

Click "Download Template" in the upper right corner to download and save.

The downloaded file is a compressed file. After decompressing the file, we can see the financial statements of all industries and accounting systems.

Each statement includes a full set of statements on assets, liabilities and profits of the industry at that time and under the current accounting system.

Wandering Alone 2024-05-24 07:44:10
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