
What are the traditional customs of the Laba Festival

old but vigorous
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Today is the Laba Festival. There are many traditional customs as well as many traditional foods. Come and see what they are

Operation method

Laba porridge usually contains lotus seeds, dates, peanuts, red beans, job's tears, glutinous rice, mung beans, black beans, etc. On Laba day, it is customary to mix Laba porridge with

Laba garlic is relatively rare in southern China. It is simple to soak garlic in rice vinegar. After a few days, it starts to change color. The finished product is green and beautiful

Laba beans, Laba beans are used to eat porridge, and some fried vegetables are very delicious

Babao rice, Babao rice is a Laba food in Ningbo. It is mainly made of glutinous rice. It is not only beautiful but also delicious

Laba cuisine is a delicacy in northern Anhui. The main ingredient is carrots, which are usually prepared in advance. Laba is served with porridge in the morning

The customs of the Laba Festival are different in every place. We should also inherit the traditional customs of offering sacrifices and praying for blessings

old but vigorous 2024-05-22 19:07:17
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