
How to use pelvic band

Aunt Bangbang
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If the pelvis leans forward or bulges behind the hips, it will weaken the abdominal muscles. In addition, if the posture is not correct at ordinary times, the pelvis cannot stand upright. Instead, it will lean forward, making the hips excessively backward and protruding. In addition, as the abdomen of pregnant women is stretched excessively during childbirth, the pelvis is stretched and widened or separated, resulting in 100% abdominal relaxation and crotch widening. Pelvic correction is required. The traditional method is passive recuperation, acupuncture, massage, painkillers and other symptomatic treatment. Now, most of them use diamond shaped pelvic belt for correction

Operation method

Measure your specific hip circumference with a measuring stick. The method of measuring hip circumference is to circle the measuring stick around the protruding part of the crotch to measure the hip circumference.

Choose the right size according to your hip circumference

Unfold the rhomboid pelvic belt and align it with the widest part of the crotch. The pelvis is in the middle of the crotch. Adjust the most comfortable state. It is important but not restrictive. Use the Velcro to stick it. After wearing it, it is comfortable without jumping up and down.

When wearing the pelvic belt, you should walk as little as possible, and the normal walking movements should not be too large. The best wearing effect is when lying flat.

Aunt Bangbang 2024-05-30 13:33:46
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