
What to do if I can't sleep at night due to serious insomnia

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Unable to sleep at night or poor sleep quality, these phenomena are called insomnia. Some friends suffer from serious insomnia and need to take medicine to sleep, but taking medicine also has some damage to the body, which is not a long-term solution. What should we do if we suffer from serious insomnia at night? How to recuperate?

Operation method

Many friends have insomnia at night, which may be caused by too much work pressure, or because some trivial things around them annoy them and make them unable to fall asleep. This situation can be solved by adjusting personal emotions. It is the so-called calm and cool mind. Don't think about these things before going to bed, keep a normal mind, and should soon fall asleep peacefully.

As the saying goes, you should eat less for breakfast, eat better for lunch and eat less at night. This is because if you eat too much at night, or even overeat, it will increase the burden on all functions of the body and seriously affect your sleep quality. Therefore, if you want to sleep well at night, you must pay attention to reasonable eating habits, especially at night, and try to eat less. Try not to eat two hours before sleeping.

Taking a hot bath or soaking your feet in hot water before falling asleep can also help improve your sleep quality. In addition, you can also listen to some soothing music before falling asleep. Soothing music can help you relax before sleep, forget the pressure and trouble in work and life, and fall asleep better.

It is also very necessary to develop good habits of work and rest. For example, if you are required to go to bed before 10 o'clock at night, you should ensure that you have washed before 10 o'clock and are ready to go to bed. If you stick to it for a long time, you will develop a good biological clock. After this time, you will feel sleepy and want to sleep.

Creating a warm and comfortable sleeping environment is also very helpful to improve your sleep quality. Everyone knows that it is difficult to fall asleep without closing the curtains during the day, and the noisy outside environment will also affect your sleep. So before you fall asleep, you must create an environment suitable for sleeping, pull the curtains, turn off the lights, keep quiet, and add a comfortable bed, all of which are conducive to your sleep.

It should be noted that you should never drink coffee, strong tea and other refreshing drinks before going to bed at night, because the main purpose of these drinks is to refresh yourself, so that you can keep a sober state. However, drinking this drink before going to bed does not make use of falling asleep faster, but can be replaced by water, milk and other drinks, In addition, clear water milk and the like can help promote the metabolic function of the human body.

Know yourself 2024-05-30 11:59:46
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