
Teach you how to weave a beautiful bracelet by yourself

A little rain falls into the mountain mist
Favorable reply

There are many times when we see beautiful bracelets, our hands are always itchy, and we always want to make one by ourselves. But many times when we actually operate it, we always feel that if no one helps us, we are always powerless. But most of the time, when we want to edit something, we always want to edit it when we are bored. When we don't have friends around, we can choose some tools to work with. The bracelet is also very beautiful.

Operation method

The first step is to select three colored threads, and then align the three selected colored threads and tie them to the chair for standby.

The second step is to tie the desired line to the other side of the chair and tighten it, and then press the left line on the middle line.

Step 3: Press the line on the right side to the line just crossed on the left side.

Step 4: As shown in the figure, pull the left hand line from the bottom to the bottom.

The fifth step is to take the thread ends, and then pull the threads on each side with the left hand and/or hand, and then tighten them to make a knot.

The next step is to repeat the steps as shown in the figure to make a long bracelet.

Finally, measure the length of your wrist after knitting to a certain extent. After reaching the length, you will knot and cut off the redundant threads on both sides to form a beautiful bracelet.

A little rain falls into the mountain mist 2024-06-02 04:01:16
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