
Qq how to get out of the turn quickly

one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn
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How can the qq fast car tour get out of the corner quickly? As we all know, the most time-consuming thing in turning is not entering the corner, but pulling the head when exiting the corner. So as long as the steps of pulling the head are optimized, the time in turning can be reduced, so as to achieve surpassing on the curve.

Operation method

[Skill principle] It takes a long time to pull the head, mainly due to the serious speed reduction when drifting, and it takes much effort to twist the body at low speed. Then try every means to provide an acceleration for the car before pulling the head, and the process of pulling the head can be quickly completed under the drive of acceleration, thus saving a lot of time spent on pulling the head.

If the classic drift is used, the car is always in a drift state before pulling the head, and it is impossible to release nitrogen to speed up, otherwise the car will lose control. However, if the break drift is used, nitrogen can be added at the moment of drift and break, and then the drift puller head can be pressed back, which can not only accelerate the time of turning out, but also trigger the CWW jet by combining nitrogen with the break double jet.

[Operation steps] First, press and hold the direction key and press the drift key to key in the bend. When the whole drift process is half completed and the head has passed the bend, quickly click twice and then release the drift key to break the position. At the moment before pressing the back drift key after releasing the drift key, quickly release nitrogen, and then press the back drift key together with the direction key to pull the head. After the head adjustment is completed, release the drift key and click the small spray twice to trigger the CWW spray to exit the corner successfully and quickly.

In order to facilitate understanding, the whole breakpoint drift can be divided into two parts. The first half is from entering the bend to releasing the drift key, and the second half is from pressing the return drift key to pulling the head with the direction key. The breakpoint connects the two parts. As long as you release nitrogen to accelerate while the breakpoint is broken, you can have a certain impact on the pulling head step of the second half. At the moment when nitrogen is released, the car body will gain momentum, which drives the car body to move forward rapidly, and the process of pulling the head will be simplified and shortened. Finally, the double jet can be connected after the turn is completely out, even if the fast turn is perfectly achieved.

[Applicable terrain] It seems that this pulling head technique can be used in any curve. In fact, CWW spraying is the key to decide whether to use this technique. Because the acceleration effect of CWW spray is strong, but the duration is short. Therefore, it is suitable for pulling the head of the car, but it cannot maintain a high speed. Therefore, if there is a very long straight line behind the curve, the classic drift plus WCW spray will have more advantages. The use of breakpoint drift plus CWW spray over the curve can indeed surpass the opponent at the beginning, but it will fall behind again as the acceleration effect decays.

In the race, if the straight line after the curve is too long to reach the end of a CWW jet, even if the tractor pulls out of the curve quickly, it will still be unable to surpass the opponent. Only when there is a straight path behind the curve through which the CWW jet can completely pass, this technique can lead perfectly.

one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn 2024-06-02 23:29:37
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