
What if the fish is sick? How to deal with sick fish?

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What if the fish is sick?
How to deal with sick fish? Like other pets, fish can get sick. The mortality rate of fish disease is very high, and because everyone is in the same water area, the infection rate of fish disease is also very considerable. The fish are weak and must be dealt with in time if they get sick. The following is a brief introduction.

What if the fish is sick? How to deal with sick fish?

[Isolate the sick fish] Once you find something wrong with the fish, you must isolate it in time. In particular, the fish with obvious symptoms, as well as those who are always floating, crouching and isolated, must be ill (fish are social animals). Be sure to isolate in time. Xiao Bian advocates that everyone prepare a fish tank outside the aquarium to be used as a "sanatorium" for fish.

[Once a fish is found sick, the water in the aquarium should be completely changed] Once a fish is found sick, the water in the aquarium should be completely changed. This indicates that the water in the aquarium has been polluted, and there are bacteria in the water. Healthy fish are at risk of infection. It must be completely replaced, salted or sterilized, and should be treated as soon as possible.

[Try not to put medicine on sick fish] It may be difficult for novices to judge fish diseases. For example, fish can eat, but they are not in good spirits. Maybe it is just that they are not adapted to the water quality, or for other reasons. Change the water and let the fish rest for a period of time. Don't blindly prescribe medicine. Natural recovery is a priority.

[Precautions for dosing fish] What should I do if the fish is sick? How to deal with sick fish? It's a science to administer medicine to fish. Be sure to operate in strict accordance with the instructions. In addition, different fish disease operation methods and drugs are different. It is hard to make it clear here. It is suggested that novices should consult more veterans to scientifically treat sick fish.

[Watch the scavenger at home] Anyone who has fish farming experience knows that scavengers have the habit of sucking fish. In particular, the sick fish will secrete a layer of substances to attract scavengers. If the scavenger stares at a fish to suck. It is likely that the fish is ill. If a tank of fish is ill, the scavenger should be taken away to avoid death or injury.

[Last advice: water quality is very important] Finally, I would like to talk about some of my views with you. Recently, the grass goldfish at home showed local blackening symptoms. Although energetic, the body keeps turning black. This reminds me of writing this experience. I was ready to take medicine. Later, I asked my friends and found that it was caused by poor water quality. The most important thing in fish farming is equipment and water quality. Only then can we raise lively fish.

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