
How to shut down the Mac? How to shut down and restart the MacBook Air

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In fact, there are many ways to shut down or restart the Mac. You only need to learn one or two of them, not all of them. Because memorizing these things takes a lot of brainpower. It is the king's way to use it comfortably.


Under normal circumstances, you can shut down the machine by clicking the logo icon and selecting Shut Down on the menu. However, this is not an immediate shutdown, but a one minute countdown.

When your computer cannot be shut down, press and hold the power button until it is shut down. It is simple and rude.

If you want to shut down the computer immediately, enter the power off command under the figure in the terminal, and the computer will go blank immediately. Unsaved information will also be lost.


The restart operation is similar to the shutdown operation. Click the logo to select restart.

When the screen is on, press the power button to restart automatically.

When the screen is lit, press the cmmand+control+power button, and the computer will turn off and restart in a black screen.

More sensible than before 2024-05-25 09:06:06
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