
Children's simple strokes How do little monkeys draw

A little ambitious
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When children go to the zoo to play, they are always interested in monkeys, often reluctant to leave, and are good at interacting with monkeys. Let's take a look at how children draw little monkeys in simple strokes.

Operation method

We can draw the head outline of the little monkey first, as shown in the figure:

Draw the two ears of the little monkey on the head outline, as shown in the figure:

Then draw the face of the little monkey on the head contour, as shown in the figure:

Then draw the eyes, nose and mouth of the little monkey on the face, as shown in the figure:

Draw the two arms and hands of the little monkey under the head, as shown in the figure:

Draw the body, legs and feet of the little monkey under the two arms, as shown in the figure:

Finally, draw the tail of the little monkey on the back of the body, so that our children can draw the little monkey in simple strokes, as shown in the figure:

A little ambitious 2024-05-31 23:41:07
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