
Methods of leaf propagation of succulent plants

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The leaf propagation of succulent plants is a common method of succulent propagation, which is often said by flower friends. Now I will show you the process and method of succulent leaf propagation, hoping to help novice flower friends.

Operation method

We should select the succulent plants that grow very strong and pick the leaves. The leaves of succulent plants are taken down and can be used directly. Be careful not to pick the leaves immediately after watering, and wait for them to dry slightly, so that the leaves will be easier to pick off.

The fleshy leaves should be taken off at the base. It is very simple. Hold the leaves gently and shake them left and right for a few times. New life is generated from the root of the leaf, so if the root of the leaf is not clean, it may not reproduce. Please pay attention to keeping the root of the leaf clean.

Number and mark different varieties, or write words on fleshy leaves. It is better to put the same kind of leaves into a container to make the soil smooth, soft and moderately moist. You can take off the leaves of succulent plants and put them in a ventilated and cool place to dry the wound, and then leave them for about 7 days.

Some succulent plants are suitable for their leaves to grow in the soil. When they are selected and inserted in the prepared soil, the soil and sand that are suitable for this plant must be selected. Gently insert the succulent roots directly, and the insertion should be shallow, that is, the leaves can just stand obliquely.

Some succulent plants just need to lie down gently. After the leaves are arranged, do not water them, or the leaves will rot easily. During this period, it does not need too much light, but it should be kept warm and moisturized to prevent the water evaporation of the leaves from speeding up. It can be placed indoors in a low light environment.

After the birth of meaty new life, we need sunshine. We need more sunshine to grow healthily, otherwise we will grow slowly. Small life has weak water storage capacity. During this period, water should be properly poured. First grow roots, then leaves; Then grow leaves and roots, and grow alternately.

After many days, you can start watering appropriately after the roots grow out of the leaves. At this time, you can use chopsticks and other tools to dig a shallow hole in the soil, put the new root into the soil, and gently spread a layer of soil to cover it. After that, the new life will grow up slowly.

During the growing period, you can water and fertilize properly, and have enough sunlight. Especially in winter, you need to keep a certain temperature to speed up the growth. After you grow a few leaves, you can plant them in your favorite containers.

Listen to the spring 2024-05-25 08:24:06
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