
Know how partners play?

Half maple lotus
Favorable reply

Knowing that partners are new players and new projects can provide us with a large number of questions. We answer them according to our own knowledge. Each official recommended question has a reward of 3 yuan, 100% more than that. Are you excited? Let's see how to do it~

Operation method

First, search [Know Partners], find their official website, and then input personal information. Here, you need to use your real name and upload your ID card. It doesn't matter. It's a formal business, just for background filing. The audit was very slow. It took about a day. What was particularly annoying was that the ID card was not clear. It took several times to pass. When taking photos, remember to keep your ID card close to the camera.

After successful identity verification, when entering the interface, there are many teams. Some are good at entertainment and culture, and some are good at science education. According to what they are good at, select teams to join. You can apply for multiple teams at the same time. After the application, you can view the team's QQ group in the background and go in to urge the review. Otherwise, it may not be approved for a long time.

On the homepage, you can see the ground interface, which is green and refreshing. Note that in the column of [Partner Content University], there are required courses and optional courses. You must complete the required courses before graduation, and you can answer questions after graduation.

On the? In [Producer Rights], we can see the brand guidance, team name, material library and other content, which is the home of the creators themselves, where they can deal with their own materials and so on.

In [Official Q&A], high-quality Q&A can obtain cash rewards, but the review speed is not flattering. The common answer is that you can obtain rewards such as wealth value and exchange prizes. When answering questions, you should search the tags you are good at, then click the tags and add them to the right. Click the tag when answering the question.

Select the tags you are good at. I am good at maths, and some of my friends are good at Chinese. In [My Q&A], there are [Passed] and [Failed], which can be modified.

Half maple lotus 2024-05-29 20:43:38
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Latest answers Change


Q: What stones are produced in Nanjing

Answer: The most famous stone in Nanjing is Yuhua Stone. Yuhua Stone is a natural agate stone, also known as aragonite, ornamental stone and lucky stone. It is mainly produced in Liuhe District of Nanjing City and Yuetang Town of Yizheng City. It is a famous specialty of Nanjing and Yizheng. Yuhua Stone is a natural agate stone, also known as aragonite, ornamental stone and lucky stone. It is mainly produced in Liuhe District of Nanjing City and Yuetang Town of Yizheng City. It is a famous specialty of Nanjing and Yizheng. Since the Southern and Northern Dynasties in China, literati and scholars have devoted themselves to mountains and rivers, roaring and roaring, and reached the peak in the Tang and Song Dynasties. There are countless anecdotes about stone appreciation in the elegant history, and the magical Yuhua Stone has become a treasure among stones, known as the "Queen of Stones", and known as "a national treasure bestowed by heaven, and one of the best in China".

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