
What is the yellow leucorrhea

Under the warm sun
Favorable reply

Operation method

First of all, compare the normal leucorrhea described in normal and physiological terms. The leucorrhea is vaginal secretion, and its quality and quantity will change with the menstrual cycle. After menstruation is clean, the leucorrhea is small, white and pasty. When ovulation is about to occur, the leucorrhea increases, transparent, slightly sticky and egg white like

Then compare the above description of leucorrhea and your usual condition of leucorrhea. If there is abnormal phenomenon, you'd better go to see a doctor if you are not sure! Besides, a number is not expensive. The little fairies should think about their own bodies

There is a lot of yellowing of leucorrhea, which is likely to be caused by genital tract infection. When the vagina contacts with the outside world, it will be threatened by foreign bacteria, so you must pay attention to cleaning and changing your underwear frequently.

Then the common ones are vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, acute or chronic pelvic inflammation. At this time, you need to see a doctor. The specific symptoms are confirmed according to the doctor's inspection

Of course, there are many other reasons and pathologies, such as mycotic vaginitis, trichomonal vaginitis, etc. If you find that the leucorrhea you secrete is yellow, smelly and has abnormal changes in appearance, you should find out the reasons in time, and then treat symptomatically. Never underestimate

hot tip

Once these conditions occur, remember not to use drugs at will, but to make sure to use drugs again. In addition, pay attention to your own hygiene, regular gynecological examination, and good living habits

Under the warm sun 2024-05-10 12:19:28
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