
What are the symptoms of neurasthenia

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Do you know what the symptoms of neurasthenia are? Neurasthenia is no stranger to everyone. Many people are victims of the disease, which has a great impact on work and study. However, few people can say what the symptoms of neurasthenia are. It is precisely because of the lack of knowledge of disease that the damage caused by the disease to the human body is increased. What are the symptoms of neurasthenia? Let's get to know about it. What are the symptoms of neurasthenia? The details are as follows: Symptom 1. Insufficient mental power. Mental fatigue is weakened due to the internal inhibition process. When exposed to internal and external stimuli, neurasthenic patients' nerve cells are easily excited, and energy consumption is excessive. For a long time, patients will show a series of debilitating symptoms: patients often feel lack of energy, lethargy, inability to use their brains, or mental retardation, Lack of concentration, memory loss, and work efficiency. Symptom 2. Psychophysiological disorders Some neurasthenic patients often complain of a group of psychological disorders, such as dizziness, dizziness, panic, chest tightness, frequent urination, which can easily cover up the basic symptoms of the disease. Symptom 3. Emotional fluctuation and lack of patience. Stimulation in the internal and external environment is undoubtedly the decisive factor that causes and affects people's emotional activities, but it is not the only factor. Neurasthenia patients are easy to get excited when encountering events due to weakened internal inhibition, thus lacking the patience and necessary waiting of normal people. Symptom 4: Tension headache is generally caused by tension, and tension is the most common. Patients often feel head weight, head distension, head tightness, or stiff neck, and sometimes muscle pain in the back and limbs. There is no obvious relationship between the degree of pain and fatigue, and there is no way to relieve it even if you rest. What are the symptoms of neurasthenia? The above introduction is related. Although neurasthenia is common, we should not ignore its treatment, otherwise it may induce other diseases. Night sleep soothing agent helps patients get rid of neurasthenia as soon as possible. Experts remind that we should pay attention to distinguish neurasthenia and autonomic nerve disorder in our daily life, and do not delay the treatment due to our wrong judgments.

Missed florescence 2024-05-06 00:43:56
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